
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) enrollment has grown significantly in recent years. After the US, India is leading the world in enrollment growth in MOOCs Programme. India has initiated a number of programmes to provide MOOC courses in response to the rising enrollment from the nation and to meet their educational needs. As an alternative to physically attending classes at a traditional educational institution, online learning technology, which is now a fundamental requirement of modern civilization, is also developing into an affordable, practical information provider as well as a provider of professional courses and educational degrees and this option has just been available through MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), particularly in India. India now uses NPTEL, mooKIT, IITBX, and SWAYAM as its course delivery platforms. This paper discusses the aspects of these platforms and provides a theoretical background and technological underpinning for them. The implementation of MOOCs in India and the main obstacles need to be addressed to make the programme a great success.

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