
A coupled channel model based on an effective quark interaction Hamiltonian and an OBE potential for meson-antimeson interactions is applied to the analysis of both masses and strong decay widths of Y states. It turns out to be quite successful, following the previous successful result for the ψ states. It is concluded that the effective quark interaction Hamiltonian fully explains dynamics not only for mass splitting but also for the Okubo- Zweig-Iizuka (OZI)allowed decay of heavy quarkonia. The most conspicuous prediction of the present model is the mass, ∼10.670 GeV, and the width, ∼20 MeV, of a yet unobserved Y (3D)resonance, which may correspond to the observed structure of the e + e − cross-section R seen in the energy range 10.6-10.8 GeV.

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