
The article substantiates the importance of the media in the formation of patriotism and citizenship among Russian citizens. Attention is focused on the growing role of the mass media in propagation of themes of the public spirit. The media are presented by the authors as the core subject of influence on the consciousness of citizens and as a means of socialization individuals in modern society. Based on a retrospective analysis of the evolution of the topic of patriotism and citizenship in the Soviet and Russian media and various projects of a patriotic orientation in new media, the authors propose to update some forgotten forms of patriotic education, as well as to give this education a targeted and systematic approach. The role of the media in this context is seen in the priority coverage of the traditional values of Russian culture, the formation of a value attitude to the motherland, its history, respect for state symbols, native language, folk traditions, the nature of one’s country, respect for the laws, rights and duties of a citizen.

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