
Airport emergencies are rare but potentially catastrophic; therefore, system preparedness is crucial. Airport emergency plans include the organization of emergency drills on a regular basis, including full-scale exercises, to train and test the entire rescue organization. This report describes a full-scale simulation at Bologna International Airport, Italy, in October 2022, involving local EMS resources. A full-scale aeroplane crash was simulated on the airport ground, activating the Airport emergency plan, and requiring the intervention of supplementary resources (ambulances, medical cars, and other emergency vehicles). Twenty-seven simulated patients were evaluated by EMS: START triage assessment was correct for 81.48% of patients; 11.11% were over-triaged and 7.41% were under-triaged. All patients were transported to the hospitals of the area. The simulation ended 2 hours and 28 minutes after the initial alarm. The response time proved a good response. Triage accuracy was correct in more than 80% of simulated patients. The availability of a trauma centre within 6 kilometres allowed the transportation of a quota of patients directly from the event, without affecting transportation times. Areas for improvement were identified in the communication within the different agencies and in moving ambulances within the airport runway without airport personnel guidance.

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