
Introduction: Pulmonary echinococcosis, caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus granuloses, presents significant diagnostic challenges, often mimicking more common thoracic pathologies, such as lung cancer and bronchogenic cysts. This report underscores the importance of considering echinococcosis in differential diagnoses for lung lesions. Case Report: We discuss the case of a 24-year-old male, initially suspected to have an intrapulmonary bronchogenic cyst, later diagnosed with pulmonary echinococcosis. The diagnosis was established through a combination of radiological findings, surgical intervention, and pathological examination, highlighting the complexities involved in correctly identifying this parasitic infection. Conclusion: This case illustrates the critical need for heightened awareness and a comprehensive diagnostic approach to pulmonary echinococcosis, particularly in endemic areas. It emphasizes the role of detailed imaging and consideration of echinococcosis in the differential diagnosis of cystic lung lesions to prevent misdiagnosis and ensure appropriate treatment.

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