
In this essay the author tries to present a liturgical and theological discusses about the dignity and the taskss of priest in the catholic Church. The material object of this essay is the official liturgy of ordination as described in De Ordinatione Episcopi, Presbyterorum, et Diaconorum. Using the approach of literature review, the author tries to find out the theological meaning of the verbal aspects of ordination rite, like liturgical texts or formulations, and also of its non-verbal aspects (actions). The basic assumption of author is that the liturgy of ordination is not only about a celebration or rites. Moreover, it presents us with a theological understanding of what is being celebrated. The spirit or the content of ordination rites should be the focus of this essay. The purpose of this study is to show how the theological concept of priesthood (lex credendi) finds its liturgical expression in liturgical rite (lex orandi). This reflection should be usefull for the priests and seminarians to reflect on the deep meaning of calling to be a priest in catholic Church.

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