
The purpose of the research. The purpose of the article is to study the main aspects of the concept of asset securitization as a financial innovation, determine the marketing assessment of financial innovations of a bank and clarify the relationship between financial innovation of a banking institution and the level of marketing research in this area. Methodology. The article was prepared using general and special methods of scientific research of economic processes, in particular, system, resource, innovation, income approaches, methods of comparison, grouping, detailing, generalization, typology, and the like. Results. The article investigates the theoretical foundations of the functioning and development of asset securitization, analyzes the process of securitization of financial assets, examines the purpose of each participant in the process. The marketing estimation of efficiency and expediency of using securitization of assets as financing techniques from the point of view of potential originators is highlighted. Securitization, of course, is becoming one of the main sources of financing for companies and banking institutions all over the world. European countries are competing to create the most favorable legal framework for securitization transactions. Despite the dynamic development of securitization, its basic principles, goals and structural elements remain unchanged. Practical meaning. It has been proved that the existence of some flows of payments generated by financial assets and their direct connection with payments received by investors constitute an important constructive element of asset securitization. The prospects for further authors’ research relate to the applied aspects of a market valuation, asset selection and pool formation that will generate the required flow of payments for servicing securities can be considered as the main phase of securitization of assets.

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