
Corporate social responsibility implies that all transactions in the Company executed with respect to the economic legal and ethical principles. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a relatively small number of companies expanding their economic objectives of socio - economic and included in solving social problems. Due to technical - technological progress changes occur rapidly and result in a large number of social problems that can return a negative impact on business operations. There is a wide choice of alternatives by which companies can do business socially responsible, and each of these alternatives offers a number of benefits for all involved (company, non-profit organizations and consumers). The subject of this thesis involves, on the one hand corporate social responsibility, and on the other the success of the company. Corporate social responsibility will be examined through economic, social, environmental and ethical dimension. The aim of this thesis is to theoretically position management and social responsibility as part of the management functions in the work of the business entity.
 Corporate social responsibility means a commitment the company management to take actions that will improve the welfare of the entire society and the business system. It represents a global business imperative and the idea that it is impossible to ignore. One can say that it is a successful company that simultaniously takes account of its economic, social and environmental impact, and socially responsible business is the business model and management style in which profit is realized in a socially responsible manner.
 Development of the concept emerges as a new way of doing business in global companies that are exposed to risks due to non implementation of environmental policy and employees. In future many of global companies that apply the concept of corporate social responsibility, because in it they can provide an effective means for gaining competitive advantage.
 The concept of corporate social responsibility is not just a passing fad, but an imperative in the business world all the companies that will sooner or later have to accept if they are to keep their place in the business scene. This business concept brings multiple benefits, not only for companies, but also in world integrity

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