
This work addresses the topic of discourse markers in the sociolinguistic context of Sicily. In a three-fold perspective, it combines a synchronic analysis with a diachronic and a sociolinguistic understanding of linguistic phenomena. The object of the study is that of discourse markers. This concept is discussed theoretically, that is also in terminological and historical terms, so that discourse markers are intended as lexical elements, i.e. stable form-function associations, serving discourse-pragmatic functions, i.e. structuring and managing the text and the interaction. Drawing mainly from an original corpus of spontaneous speech collected in the area of South-eastern Sicily, two items that are representative of the category of discourse markers are selected, ara and mentri. A synchronic form-to function mapping is carried out at first, thus identifying the formal features and above all the functional ones that define these two elements as discourse markers. Both the formal and functional properties defining these items as discourse markers (discourse-pragmatic functioning, multifunctionality, morphosyntactic independence, etc.) are better understood by reconstructing the evolution of these forms. The evolution of discourse markers is approached theoretically in the framework of grammaticalization studies, as a process of intersubjectification and coding of inferences. Thanks to a diachronic analysis, the polysemy schemas of the markers find a sound explanation, in terms of both relative chronology and logical connection among the different values and functions of each marker. The two Sicilian discourse markers are eventually examined in a sociolinguistic perspective. On the one hand, they get involved in contact phenomena between the two codes of the repertoire (Sicilian and its roof and standard language, Italian): these contact dynamics, going in the direction from the non-standard variety to the standard one, happen at both the discourse level in terms of code-mixing strategies and at the system one in terms of borrowing and interference. On the other hand, it is observed how discourse markers may assume social meaning in the speech community, namely by acquiring socio-symbolic values as identity-flagging devices and by showing variation in usage according to socio-demographic and contextual factors. In conclusion, this study of Sicilian discourse markers does not only offer new empirical data, but also advances our theoretical understanding of this linguistic category in its synchronic definition, in its diachronic dimension, and in its sociolinguistic implications.

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