
Petri nets are a graphical notation for describing a class of discrete event dynamic systems whose behaviours are characterised by concurrency, synchronisation, mutual exclusion and conflict. They have been used over the years for the modelling of various distributed systems applications. With the advent of pervasive systems and the Internet of Things, the Calculus of Context-aware Ambients (CCA) has emerged as a suitable formal notation for analysing the behaviours of these systems. In this paper, we are interested in comparing the expressive power of Petri nets to that of CCA. That is, can the class of systems represented by Petri nets be modelled in CCA? To answer this question, an algorithm is proposed that maps any Petri net onto a CCA process. We prove that a Petri net and its corresponding CCA process are behavioural equivalent. It follows that CCA is at least as expressive as Petri nets, i.e., any system that can be specified in Petri nets can also be specified in CCA. Moreover, tools developed for CCA can also be used to analyse the behaviours of Petri nets.

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