
Two previously isolated resistance gene analogs (RGAs) of oat have been located as RFLPs in the reference map of Avena byzantina 'Kanota' x Avena sativa 'Ogle' in regions either homologous or homoeologous to loci for resistance to Puccinia coronata, the causal agent of crown rust. In this study, the RGAs were mapped in two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations that segregate for crown rust resistance: the diploid Avena strigosa x Avena wiestii RIL population (Asw), which has been used for mapping the complex locus PcA, and the hexaploid MN841801-1 x Noble-2 RIL population (MN), in which QTLs have been located. To obtain single-locus markers, RGAs were converted to sequence tagged site (STS) markers using a procedure involving extension of the original RGA sequence lengths by PCR genome walking, amplification and cloning of the parental fragments, and identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms. The procedure successfully obtained STSs from different members of the L7M2 family of sequences, the initial NBS of which have nucleotide similarities of >83%. However, for RGA III2.18, the parental lines were not polymorphic for the STSs assayed. A sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker with features of an RGA had been previously identified for gene Pc94. This marker was also mapped in the above RIL populations. Markers based on RGA L7M2 co-localized with markers defining the QTL Prq1a in linkage group MN3, and were located 15.2 cM from PcA in linkage group AswAC. The SCAR marker for Pc94 was also located in the QTL Prq1a but at 39.5 cM from PcA in AswAC, indicating that the NBS-LRR sequence represented by this marker is not related to PcA. L7M2 was also excluded as a member of the PcA cluster, although it could be an appropriate marker for the Prq1a cluster if chromosome rearrangements are postulated.

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