Photolabeling of nucleotide binding sites in nucleotide-depleted mitochondrial F1 has been explored with 2-azido [alpha-32P]adenosine diphosphate (2-N3[alpha-32P] ADP). Control experiments carried out in the absence of photoirradiation in a Mg2+-supplemented medium indicated the presence of one high affinity binding site and five lower affinity binding sites per F1. Similar titration curves were obtained with [3H]ADP and the photoprobe 3'-arylazido-[3H]butyryl ADP [( 3H]NAP4-ADP). Photolabeling of nucleotide-depleted F1 with 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP resulted in ATPase inactivation, half inactivation corresponding to 0.6-0.7 mol of photoprobe covalently bound per mol F1. Only the beta subunit was photolabeled, even under conditions of high loading with 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP. The identification of the sequences labeled with the photoprobe was achieved by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide and enzymatic cleavage by trypsin. Under conditions of low loading with 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP, resulting in photolabeling of only one vacant site in F1, covalently bound radioactivity was located in a peptide fragment of the beta subunit spanning Pro-320-Met-358 identical to the fragment photolabeled in native F1 (Garin, J., Boulay, F., Issartel, J.-P., Lunardi, J., and Vignais, P. V. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 4431-4437). With a heavier load of photoprobe, leading to nearly 4 mol of photoprobe covalently bound per mol F1, an additional region of the beta subunit was specifically labeled, corresponding to a sequence extending from Gly-72 to Arg-83. The isolated beta subunit also displayed two binding sites for 2-N3-[alpha-32P]ADP. When F1 was first photolabeled with a low concentration of NAP4-ADP, leading to the covalent binding of 1.5 mol of NAP4-ADP/mol F1, with the bound NAP4-ADP distributed equally between the alpha and beta subunits, a subsequent photoirradiation in the presence of 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP resulted in covalent binding of the 2-N3[alpha-32P]ADP to both alpha and beta subunits. It is concluded that each beta subunit in mitochondrial F1 contains two nucleotide binding regions, one of which belongs to the beta subunit per se, and the other to a subsite shared with a subsite located on a juxtaposed alpha subunit. Depending on the experimental conditions, the subsite located on the alpha subunit is either accessible or masked. Unmasking of the subsite in the three alpha subunits of mitochondrial F1 appears to proceed by a concerted mechanism.
Photolabeling of nucleotide binding sites in nucleo- three a subunits of mitochondrial F, appears toproceed tide-depleted mitochondrial F1has been explored with by a concerted mechanism
The j3 subunit subunits of F1are covalently modified by a number of adeninewas photolabeled, even under conditionsof high load- nucleotide derivatives, including arylazido propionyl and butyryl derivatives sequences labeled with the photoprobe was achieved (NAP3-AXP and NAP,AXP) with theazido group attached by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide and en- by a flexible armtothe ribosemoiety of the nucleotide zymatic cleavage by trypsin
In aprevious paper (Garin et al, 1986), we reported the mapping of a rapidly exchangeable site of native F, with 2N3[~-32P]ADP,anADPanalog which mimics thenatural nucleotide (Czarnecki et al, 1982; MacFarlane et al, 1982)
From the Laboratoire de Biochimie, Dkpartement de Recherche Fondamentale, Centre d’Etudes Nuclkaires, 85X, 38041 Grenoble ceder, France. After a 60-min incubation, the samples were filtered by centrifugation filtration through Sephadex G50 (fine) contained in tuberculin syringes of 1ml volume inserted in conical centrifuge tubes according to the method described by Penefsky (1977), recently modified to heavy loading, a supplementary and specific binding site was avoid loss of the titrated nucleotides? Photoirradiation in the presence of [3H]NAP4-ADPor ~-N,[cY-~'P]ADwPas followed by incubation with 5 mM ADP for 15 min a t 25 "C to displace the noncovalently bound azido nucleotides. The covalently modified F, was recovered in the excluded fraction after elution centrifugation through Sephadex G50 columns, using the technique described by Penefsky (1977) It was assayed for radioactivity, protein content, and ATPase activity. Photoirradiation of Nucleotide-depleted F1 by 2-N3[a-32P] ADP Results in Photolabeling of Only the p Subunit-Photolabeling of nucleotide-depleted F, by ~ - N , [ C X ~ ~ P ] AwDasP
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