
Manuel Ancizar Basterra belonged to a galaxy of prominent liberal figures in Colombia, an intellectual elite who played an important role in transforming the socioeconomic and political life of the country in the era of the liberal revolution of the mid-19th century. His activities were multifaceted: a politician and a public figure, a diplomat and a scientist, a journalist and a publisher, a costumbrist writer, a mason and a lawyer. But above all, he was a humanist and educator who devoted his life to Colombia, where, being of Spanish origin, he was born, and which became his real homeland. In 2015 UNESCO, within the framework of the World Heritage Program, has granted the private archive of M. Anrizar the status of a documentary heritage of mankind. In this work, for the first time in Russian historiography, an attempt is made to trace the main stages of M. Ancizar’s life, to assess his contribution to the development of publishing, participation in the Chorographic expedition (1850-1859), his activities as rector of the National University.

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