This is the users manual of the black-hole event generator BlackMax (Dai et al., 2008), which simulates the experimental signatures of microscopic and Planckian black-hole production and evolution at proton–proton, proton–antiproton and electron–positron colliders in the context of brane world models with low-scale quantum gravity. The generator is based on phenomenologically realistic models free of serious problems that plague low-scale gravity. It includes all of the black-hole gray-body factors known to date and incorporates the effects of black-hole rotation, splitting between the fermions, non-zero brane tension and black-hole recoil due to Hawking radiation (although not all simultaneously). The main code can be downloaded from Dai et al. (0000). Program summaryProgram title: BlackMaxProgram Files doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/p9jg9dypcg.1Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License version 3Programming language: C (with Fortran subroutines)Nature of problem: In the class of models with low scale quantum gravity (known as the “TeV scale gravity models”) collisions of particles at the particle accelerators may lead to novel phenomena, in particular mini black hole production. In order to confirm or exclude this class of models, one needs to calculate the probability of the black hole production in collisions of particles, properties of the formed black holes (mass, spin, charge, momentum), and the signature of the black hole decay (Hawking radiation).Solution method: BlackMax calculates the probability of the black hole production by utilizing the so-called “geometric cross section” for black hole production. From the energy and quantum numbers of the colliding particles BlackMax calculates the mass, spin, charge, and momentum of the formed black holes. In the next step, BlackMax utilizes the greybody factors that characterize Hawking radiation and calculates the final output. The produced particles are then supposed to leave the signature in particle detectors.
Published Version
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