
This paper comments on the challenges and constraints in the internet software development arena. Our study also reviews the methodologies currently adopted by various companies and based on the findings suggest an improved methodology for internet software development. We have adopted an exploratory study using qualitative method as studies in the Indian context are found to be scarce. Our findings indicate that in comparison to traditional software methodologies internet/web software development faces a different set of challenges. Based on a research conducted on IT professionals involved in internet/web software development, this paper finds out that current methodologies may lead in sub optimal internet software development due to lack of vision for serving the end users. Our findings, based on the qualitative data analysis suggest that the advantage of technological innovations has overshadowed the customer’s perspective and expectations. The importance of analyzing consumers’ requirements is not fully realized, thus not explicating the value proposition of the end product. In order to help a coherent, business-aligned software development, this paper proposes ‘feedback loop method’ which emphasizes the need for evolution among current methodologies in practice. The paper will be of interest to researchers, software practitioners and managers specifically involved in internet application and software development.

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