This research investigates the tension between trust and confidentiality in Mobile Supply Chains (MSCs), where a production asset that is owned by one of the partners is outsourced to another partner of the supply chain for the production of goods, chemicals, or pharmaceuticals. The novelty of the MSC concept is to be found in its innovative and sustainable approach to production and operation processes in supply chains. Implementation of the MSC model could, however, raise trust and confidentiality concerns. The interplay of trust and confidentiality, or preservation of information privacy, between partners plays a central role in the supply chains, particularly because they are genuinely dependent on each other. Qualitative data analysis was used, in which semi-structured interviews with the experts from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries in Germany were conducted to investigate the tension between trust and confidentiality, and important factors affecting it. The results of the study present four different integration scenarios, namely, the low-quality, conservative, grey-box, and innovation scenarios, which consider different levels of trust, confidentiality and information sharing. Subsequently, the tension between trust and confidentiality is analyzed within these scenarios, and three effective strategies which encourage partners to balance the tension between trust and confidentiality are proposed. The study indicates that the balance between trust and confidentiality can be maintained in some scenarios when critical factors such as transparency, trust negotiation, and a reward-sharing system are present.
Mobile Supply Chains (MSCs) contribute to developing sustainable production and transportation patterns, creating resilience in infrastructure, increasing mobility, and maintaining sustainable industrialization
This paper illustrates the scenarios in which the tension between trust and confidentiality arises and proposes three significant approaches which encourage partners to balance the tension between trust and confidentiality
This means that the participants mentioned different scenarios for information sharing, each presenting a different context regarding the relationship between trust and confidentiality
Mobile Supply Chains (MSCs) contribute to developing sustainable production and transportation patterns, creating resilience in infrastructure, increasing mobility, and maintaining sustainable industrialization. MSCs are value creation systems that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by the complete life cycle of products from start to finish [1]. They can be defined as more advanced supply chains that satisfy the demand for mobility and flexibility in producing and distributing goods. Thereby, this approach supports the 9th and 12th Goals for Sustainable Development formulated by the UN in. Movable production assets can be outsourced from one MSC partner to another
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