
After local elections were held in Ukraine in October 2020 based on the new territorial ground of communities and districts, all communities received equal competencies and basic opportunities to generate their capacity and development foundations (namely, the use of single terminology – rural, town, and municipal territorial communities). Nowadays, the authorities of territorial communities should continuously improve the management foundations and methods to create conditions for the dynamic development of the territory, since the competition among the territories is growing. The paper aims to examine and research the available approaches to marketing of territorial communities’ territories and develop recommendations on modeling the management of territorial communities based on territorial marketing as the most efficient way to manage communities to secure their competitiveness and sustainable development. The conditions to improve new approaches in the management of territorial communities, in particular based on the advantages of territorial marketing, strengthen the role of marketing tools in the development of communities, and improve their competitive ability and attractiveness were created in the context of finalization of the process of authorities and finance decentralization in Ukraine, local governance reform, and administrative-territorial reform. On this ground, the need to use the marketing approach to the development of territorial management foundations using the marketing complex (goods, prices, promotion, distribution) and supplementing it with the features of qualitative and quantitative characteristics peculiar to territorial communities in current conditions is emphasized. The conceptual scheme of managing the communities based on territorial marketing using well-known elements of complex management like analysis, planning, organization, motivation, and control is suggested and substantiated.

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