
The territorial marketing toolkit includes a variety of methods and actions aimed at analyzing the marketing opportunities of the region, as well as strategic planning and implementing measures for effective positioning of the territory. It also includes identifying and meeting the needs of the community’s key customers, carefully organized and targeted within a comprehensive marketing plan. The article aims to identify the marketing tools for the management of territorial communities to ensure competitiveness and promote sustainable development of the territory. The article presents theoretical approaches to the application of marketing mechanisms at the territorial level and describes in detail the components that make up the marketing strategy of communities. The author examines the peculiarities of the use of marketing tools, including the 4P model – product, price, place, and promotion in the territory supplemented by two Ps – policy and public, which are becoming important in the development and management of communities through a marketing approach due to the growth of democratization. Particular attention is paid to the segmentation of target consumers and market research to identify the needs of target audiences in the context of public services. The author emphasizes the need to consider the territorial community as a complex system with multiple components, which can be analyzed from three aspects: administrative-territorial division, consumer needs, and sectoral analysis. The use of various approaches to structuring marketing elements helps to strengthen competitive positions and attract interest in the territories. The article proves that territorial marketing covers a set of actions and skills aimed at effectively presenting the characteristics of the territory to potential stakeholders, including both quantitative and qualitative attributes, meeting the needs of various target audiences. Defining the unique identity of the territory and its advantages, as well as identifying weaknesses to further address them is an important step. The final stage involves positioning the territory and highlighting its distinctive features in comparison with competitors to attract investment and resources.

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