
A few years before his death in 2019, Salvador Giner noted the extreme difficulty of durably realizing the “estado precario” of social concord and the relative ease with which societies experience “un estado natural” of discord. So he recalled his decades-long intellectual project of developing a republican political theory that seeks optimal social relations while pessimistically assuming the inevitability of discord. This article argues that Giner’s pessimistic, tragic outlook is evinced through the heterogeneous ethical philosophical theories—deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics—he proposes as guiding principles of republican democracy, theories that must necessarily coexist, though they are ultimately incompatible.


  • He recalled his decades-long intellectual project of developing a republican political theory that seeks optimal social relations while pessimistically assuming the inevitability of disagreement (2014, 10)

  • Giner’s definition of modern society seems to have become more complex than that of his erstwhile collaborator Manuel Pérez Yruela, who not long ago defined modern society as one that is “corporatized, organized, divided between those who rule and obey,” and in which “tendencies derived from the hegemony of collective actors, the growth of organizations, hierarchical structures and imperative forms of coordination [. . .] have durably taken root” (145)

  • For Giner, the virtue of republicanism is that it promotes the robust civic engagement that enables otherwise very different citizens to discover common interests

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84 Managing Modern Social Conflict through Mixed Ethical Foundations

Deontology, Consequentialism, and Virtue Ethics as Pillars of Salvador Giner’s Republicanism como principios rectores del republicanismo. Palabras clave: Salvador Giner, republicanismo, deontología, consecuencialismo, ética de la virtud

85 Paul Cella
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