
In this paper value Z is introduced into the physics of describing material light absorption in the sub-area of the near infrared (NIR) spectrum ranging from 1000nm to 1100nm. This value is added to the standard parameters for color description for managing dual color properties. The basic challenge is in grouping together the infrared technology of manipulation with inks and ink characteristics in the visible spectrum (VS) in order to design new inks, with the goal to create hidden, invisible and double information. The value Z is the numerical value of absorption in the NIR-Z spectrum from matter, ink and pigments, as well as from flora and fauna. It is introduced into standard colorimetric defined by three parameters (CIELab, RGB, HSB) as the fourth value with the assertion that there is no correlation between them and parameter Z. It has been proven experimentally that if there is a default fourth value Z, the desired ink color can be set in the visible spectrum in a single manner only. The significance of the four-parameter color LabZ (RGBZ, HSBZ) system is in the new approach to application of spot inks and pigments in visual arts (paintings), industrial and military application, as well as in security graphics designed with printing technologies.

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