
—“NHK-Japan Broadcasting Corporation looks at the 1980S”; —“Fourth Colombian Congress on Operations Research and Computer Sciences”; —“Energy Conservation Study Completed for EPA”; —“Evolution of Operations Research in South America”; —“Seen Elsewhere: (1) Correlates of the Self Concept by Warren Thompson, (2) The Effect of Tax and Regulatory Alternatives on Car Sales and Gasoline Consumption by Chase Econometric Associates, Inc., New York, (3) Factors Leading to Technology Transfer Through Licensing and Foreign Investment and Their Impact on the Firm by George Foster (Forecasting International Ltd.), (4) Simulation and Control of Stochastic Epidemics Using Interactive Graphics. May 73 by Edward Angel (University of Southern California), (5) An Ecological Systems Approach to Community Noise Abatement by B. K. Huang (North Carolina State University), (6) A Monte Carlo Investigation of Experimental Data Requirements for Fitting Polynomial Functions. Jun 74 by G. C. Canavos (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center), (7) Establishing an Operations Research Program by Charles S. Chandler (South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department), (8) Cost-Benefit and Other Economic Analyses of Transportation. 1974 by Donald H. Farness (Transportation Research Board), (9) Economic Effects of Propulsion System Technology on Existing and Future Transport Aircraft. Jul 74 by G. P. Sallee (American Airlines, Inc.), (10) An Algorithm for a General Class of Routing Problems Derived From Huygens' Principle. Jun 74 by L. M. Avis and G. R. Young (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center), (11) Advanced Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Automatic Control and Information Systems. Mar 74 by C. A. Desoer, E. Polak, and L. A. Zadeh (California University), (12) Computer Simulation as an Auditing Tool by Willis Eugen Lowery, Edmond Lamar Allen (Naval Postgraduate School), (13) A Markovian Model for Assessment of Personnel Hiring Plans. Jun 74 by L. G. Katz (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center), (14) Income and Urban Home Ownership. Sep 73 by Raymond J. Struyk, Sue A. Marshall (Urban Institute), (15) On the Supply and Demand for Energy. Jun 74 by Fariborz Golshani (Naval Postgraduate School), (16) Attitudes Affecting Turnover of Navy Civilian Employees. Mar 74 by Clarence Curry (Carnegie-Mellon University), (17) Forecasting Local Government Spending. 1972 by Claudia Devita Scott (Urban Institute), (18) Stable Stochastic Linear Programs and Applications. Nov. 1973 by Bernard Berneanu (Stanford University), (19) A Heuristic Model for Predicting Bridge Construction Requirements. Jul 74 by T. C. Ryan (Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory), (20) A Guide to Parking Systems Analysis. Oct 72 by John C. Bennett, Raymond H. Ellis, Paul R. Rassam (Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co.), (21) Development of Procedures to Simulate Motor Vehicle Pollution Levels. May 73 by B. A. Egan, A. Epstein, M. Keefe, J. League (Environmental Research and Technology, Inc.), (22) A Monte Carlo Approach to Some Problems Inherent in Multivariate Prediction With Special Reference to Multiple Regression. Jan 74 by John P. Campbell (Minnesota University), (23) A Planned Maintenance Management System for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants. Nov 73 by Donald H. Sargent, David A. Rudich (Fairfax County), (24) California Economic Forecasting Project, Bay Area Research Program. Mar 74 by California University, Berkeley, Institute of Business and Economic Research, (25) Mathematical Reconstruction of Accidents. Mar 74 by John A. Bartz, Raymond R. McHenry, David J. Segal (Calspan Corp. and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), (26) Modeling of Data Management Systems. Jun 74 by Eldred C. Nelson, Andrew Mercer, Anupam Shah (TRW Systems Group and Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB), (27) An Application of an Econometric Model to Describe the Behavior of Buyers and Sellers. Jun 74. (Master's Thesis) by James Frederick Callahan (Naval Postgraduate School), (28) Experimental Determination of Mechanical Features of Adults and Children. Jun 74 by R. E. Herron, J. R. Cuzzi, D. V. Goulet, J. E. Hugg (Texas Institute for Rehabilitation and Research and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), (29) Empirical Tests of Input-Output Forecasts Review and Critique. Jul 74 by Roger H. Bezdek (Bureau of Economic Analysis), and (30) Economic Analysis Handbook. Second Edition. 1974 by Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Washington, D.C.”

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