
The implementation of the digital economy, especially against the background of the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine (when as a result of the actions of the aggressor, the domestic infrastructure was destroyed: civil, military, social, etc. and the economy suffered significant losses in the amount of at least 700 billion US dollars) is a factor that has a significant impact on the level of economic security of the state in all its components, such as: macroeconomic, financial, foreign economic, investment, scientific and technological, energy, production, demographic, social, food security. In this context, it is advisable to consider the digitalization of the economy through the prism of economic security, taking into account the feasibility of ensuring the sustainable development of the state, which is relevant, taking into account the need to take into account possible resources of various types when studying security as a category, the presence of which in sufficient quantity will allow to achieve such a state, according to which will be provided with an appropriate level of security in order to be able to counteract external and internal threats). Purpose consists in the study, substantiation and development of theoretical approaches to the in-depth study of the digital economy in the context of managing the economic security of the state in the conditions of its reconstruction in the post-war period for the transition of the state and its regions to sustainable development. During the research, a set of methods was used to achieve the goal and solve the tasks set in the work, which ensured the conceptual integrity of the research, in particular: historical and logical; monographic; theoretical generalization; analysis; synthesis; induction, deduction; comparative and statistical analysis; graphic; abstract and logical. Taking into account the modern realities of the functioning of the economy of Ukraine in order to ensure a sustainable trend of economic growth of the state and increase the level of its economic security in the context of its management, which is possible in particular due to the activation of the use of the innovative component of economic development for the transition of the state and its regions to sustainable development. The essence of the digital economy is considered, which, in turn, affects the level of economic security of the state in the context of its management and actualizes the need to consider the digital economy through the prism of its relationship with the economic security of the state, taking into account the innovative component of economic development - an important component of economic growth state. Special attention is paid to the research of the theory of innovations and the main factors affecting innovative activity and problems that lead to the slowdown of the economic growth of the state.

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