
The aim of the article is to identify and describe the praxeological problem that for primary flights of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services and for fulfilling tasks within the national crisis management in emergency situations, we need to have a professionally managed and technologically secured network of permanent landing and take-off areas for helicopters, in the field and at the permanent centers of HEMS (or permanent airports). Technologies on these terrain landing areas are intended to improve the level of information security of helicopter flight crews, especially meteorological information for flights to "ad hoc" primary flight sites, or to use permanent terrain areas to bring a rescue team closer to the emergency operation site. The mentioned network is important for rescue helicopters, police, and air force helicopters for intervention in the field, in case of natural disasters, industrial accidents, or in solving the supervision of migratory waves, pandemic management in the region, etc. At the same time, these landing areas will guarantee the requirements for safe air traffic and the quality of the air services provided. The administration of the network of permanent landing areas for helicopters in the field can be co-financed in several sources, within the budget of the components of the integrated rescue system and crisis management of the state up to the share of funds from compulsory vehicle insurance in the relevant year, etc. Keywords: management, helicopters, medical services, crisis management.

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