
Myiasis is a rare disease caused by infestation of tissue by larvae of flies. Oral myiasis is still rare and unique owing to the fact that the oral cavity rarely provides a necessary habitat for a larval life cycle. We discuss the definition, etiology, predisposing factors, classification, and management of myiasis. We hereby report a rare case of oral myiasis in a 75-year-old female with a history of maxillofacial trauma. She complained of pain in the lower lip and commissure region on the left side through which numerous live maggots (larvae) were seen crawling out. Postremoval of approximate seventy maggots resulted in lower lip defect along its commissure which was repaired by Bernard's modification of Gillies flap. Another case was an 18-year-old girl, a known case of congenital cerebral palsy with pain and swelling in the upper vestibule region. Prevention of myiasis involves addressing open wounds, maintaining good oral and personal hygiene, control of fly population, basic cleanliness of surrounding areas, and provision for basic sanitation and health education.

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