
In today’s scenario, cases of infertility are increased day by day and it is disturbing social as well as the mental health of people all over the world. Male infertility is a contributing factor in one-third of the couples with no children. There are so many modern therapeutics are there but result surety is not. It is need of time to explore fertility agents from herbal, herbomineral formulations with lifestyle and diet control. Azoospermia is the disorder in which there is a lack of measurable level of sperm in his semen in male. In Ayurveda classics, there is a description of Shukra Dushti, Ksheena Shukra, Ksheena Retasa, Alpa Retasa, and Shukra Dosha like conditions that result from the Shukra Dhatu vitiation by Doshas. Ayurveda can be the choice of this disease to manage. A case of 34-year-old, healthy male patient visited the OPD of Kayachikitsa with complaints of unable to conceive her partner even after having 7 years of married life. Semen analysis of this patient revealed a low sperm count (0 million/mL) with no other abnormalities. This case was managed with Virechana procedure followed by Tritiya Baladi Yapana Basti for 21 days and then the patient was administered Shaman Chikitsa for 4 months. After this treatment, sperm count increased to 68 million/mL. The detail of this case highlights the role of Shodhan and Shaman Chikitsa in the management of Azoospermia.

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