
Infertility is the failure of a couple to become pregnant after one year of regular unprotected intercourse. Male infertility can be defined an inability to induce conception due to defect in spermatic function. The male carrying pathology in semen production includes low sperm count, volume motility, abnormal forms and sperm functional tests. Ayurveda explain Asthasukradrushtiwhich impair the normalcy as the main reason for the infertility. Study conducted on male infertility have revealed that about 1 in every 3 cases are due to fertility issue in male partner. Hence, the male infertility in current times is an alarming issue that needs highest attention. A 28 Year, male patient who had been diagnosed as Oligosthenozoospermia, with low sperm count and few non motile spermatozoa with 5 years of married life and his wife with regular ovulatory cycle. After having Deepan/Pachan,Shodhan(Matrabasti) and Shamanchikitsashowed the improvement in the seminal parameters and resulted in pregnancy. This shows the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment in the management of male infertility.

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