
We read ‘‘Management of Central Giant Cell Granuloma of Mandible Using Intralesional Corticosteroids: Case Report and Review of Literature’’ by Ferretti et al. with great interest. The paper reports a case of managing central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) in a 16-year-old girl through the administration of intralesional corticosteroids. The authors state that complete opacification was noted after only 2 administrations of the steroid solution. They also report that this rapid response was unique among the cases previously reported. However, the authors did not compare the age of their patient and localization of the CGCG with previously reported cases. Even if their case was unique, their patient was only 16 years old and the lesion was located on the mandible. We believe that younger patients experience faster treatment responses. Also, the localization of the CGCG reported in their case may be related to the response. As is commonly known, the regeneration capability of the mandible is better than that of the maxilla. Because the authors did not report, in their literature review, the age and gender of the patients and the localization of the CGCGs covered, we would like to add these data to clarify things for readers (Table 1).

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