
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, the incitant of bacterial leaf blight disease of rice acts as a bottleneck in productivity of rice. Chemical control measures impose hazards to human as well as soil health. So, there is always a quest for eco-friendly management strategies. In vitro and in vivo assays were employed to evaluate the sensitivity of the pathogen against crude aqueous extracts of different plants. Out of five plant extracts, Datura metel was most effective in restricting the pathogen followed by Allium sativum. The percent inhibition exhibited by D. metel extract were 46.73% and 58.04% at 15% and 20% concentrations, respectively. Aqueous extract spray of D. metel at 20% proved effective in restricting the disease by 11.9% and recorded 104% yield increase over control.

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