
The aim of the article. The goal is to develop an approach to management (based on the principles of marketing) of the formation and implementation of strategies for ecologically oriented outstripping innovative development of business entities, which would ensure the transition to sustainable economic growth in the direction of the fourth industrial revolution and the transformation of technological systems, as well as the elimination or reduction of environmental threats to the national (including regional and local), as well as international levels caused by hostilities. Analyses results. The main ecological threats caused by military actions on the territory of Ukraine are defined and systematized according to the directions of influence (domestic or international). An approach to determining the priority of their elimination or reduction is proposed. A sequence was formed and the content of the strategic marketing analysis procedures was outlined to determine innovative approaches to the elimination of environmental threats, and in their direction, corresponding innovative developments, in particular: 1) definition of the circle of those interested in the elimination/reduction of environmental threats, their problems caused by these threats, as well as requests for solving problems; 2) identification of the problems of product manufacturers (service providers) who can offer ecologically oriented innovative developments; 3) forecasting trends in the development of STP in the field of product manufacturers (service providers); 4) determination, on the basis of a joint analysis of the results of previous procedures (1-3), of innovative activity areas, and in their direction of specific innovative products (their main technical and economic characteristics), which are intended for the elimination of environmental threats; 5) development of the principles of innovative development strategy based on ecologically oriented innovations. Methodical principles for choosing a strategic approach to ecologically-oriented innovative development of a business entity have been developed, which include taking into account: the adequacy of the level of potentials-subsystems of the potential of innovative development of the business innovative entity for the implementation of greening strategies of innovative development in the post-war period; consumption costs of the ecological innovation and the usual analogue (if available); circles of organizations and/or population groups (society) interested in eliminating/reducing environmental threats and solving the problems caused by them; opportunities for obtaining ecological competitive advantages by interested organizations and consumers of ecological innovation; possibilities of state (regional) or international support for socially significant environmental innovations. A corresponding decision table has been developed. A system of measures for marketing support of the process of creation and implementation of ecological innovations at the stages of their innovation and life cycle has been formed, which allows to reasonably manage both the specific innovation process and plan measures to withdraw the existing innovation from the market and introduce the next one. Conclusions and directions for further research. The obtained results collectively form the basis of the approach to management of the creation and implementation of strategies of ecologically-oriented innovative development in the post-war period. These strategies provide the conditions for the transition to sustainable economic growth in the direction of the fourth industrial revolution and the transformation of technological systems. At the same time, they are focused on the elimination or reduction of environmental threats at the local, regional, national, and international levels caused by military actions. Further research should be aimed at forming the foundations of the organizational and economic management mechanism on the basis of marketing strategies of ecologically-oriented innovative development in the post-war period, which would ensure the transition to sustainable economic growth in line with the concept of innovative advancement in the conditions of technological transformations.

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