
A 45-year old male presented with a six months history of a polypoidal lesion at external urethral meatus. There was a history of dysuria with bloody discharge from the lesion. The past and personal history was insignificant except for occasional bathing in a water pond. General physical examination and examination of nose, oral cavity and eyes was unremarkable. On local examination, a small red, fleshy, sessile lesion was seen at the external urethral orifice measuring 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm, clinically resembling a urethral caruncle. Urine routine examination showed presence of red cells. The lesion was completely resected under spinal anaesthesia. Histopathology showed stratified squamous lined tissue which reveals many sporangia containing endospore. Subepithelial region shows granulation tissue and is infiltrated with chronic inflammatory cells suggestive ofrhinosporidiosis. No other treatment was given. Patient was well after 3 months with no evidence of recurrence during follow up.


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