Two sibilings with male Intersex and ambiguous masculine genitalia without breast development and no Mullerian structure are presented, one had the testis in both labia majora and the other had them in both inguinal canals. Hormonal analysis showed gonadal failure in one and normal in the other which corresponded with histological findings of gonadal biopsy. Their masculine gender role prevented reconstructive surgery toward feminine characteristics. Male intersex or male pseudohermaphrodite is genetic male with testicular tissue. Male intersex with ambiguous or predominately masculine external.genitalia without breast development and no Mullerian structures, so-called ‘Testicular Masculinization Syndrome’ (I) or ‘Cryptorchid Hypospadiac male Intersex’ (2) Is the most common form of male intersexes (3). Incomplete virilization may occur because of defective testicular secretion of the organizer substance, or defective secretion of androgen, or unresp'onsiveness of the target tissue (4). The present paper describes the clinical and endocrinological aspects of 2 adult male intersexes with ambiguous external genitalia, together with the histological appearances of the gonads.
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