
Allocation of attention, typically a limited capacity, is a mechanism used to filter large amounts of information and determine what stimuli are most relevant at a particular moment. In dynamic social environments as found in almost all species, including humans, multiple individuals may play a pivotal role in any given interaction where a male’s attention may be divided between a rival, a current mate, and/or future potential mates. Although clearly important, the role of the social environment on attention in animals is not well understood. Here, we investigated impacts of the social environment on attention allocation using male sailfin mollies, Poecilia latipinna, which are a part of a sexual-unisexual mating system with the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa. We asked: 1) Does the species of female influence the amount of attention a male allocates to her? And 2) Is a male’s attention towards his mate influenced by different social partners? We show that males perceive a larger male as a more relevant stimulus to pay attention to compared to a smaller male, and a conspecific female (either a partner or audience) as a more relevant stimulus compared to a heterospecific female. Our results show that differential allocation of attention is dependent upon multiple components of the social environment in which an individual interacts. Understanding what qualities of rival males or potential mates provide enough meaning to males to cause a shift in attention away from a mating opportunity is essential to understanding the influence of the social environment in sexual selection.

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