
The world's biodiversity is in peril. The major threats to biodiversity globally are habitat change, overexploitation, climate change, invasive species and pollution. Not only do these stressors impact free-living organisms, but they affect parasitic ones as well. Herein, this perspective examines the potential consequences of these anthropogenic perturbations on helminth populations and communities, with emphasis on significant developments over the past decade. Furthermore, several case studies are examined in more detail for each of these threats to biodiversity. While effects are widespread and diverse, for the most part all these environmental stressors have negative effects on parasite populations and communities. Those parasites with complex life cycles that are trophically transmitted are often more at risk, although larval parasites with a wide host spectrum, and directly transmitted ectoparasites, appear less threatened and may even benefit. However, differential effects on hosts and parasites, on parasite life cycle stages and on host-parasite interactions made specific predictions difficult and context-dependent. Experimental laboratory and mesocosm studies on specific parasites that test effects on the different life cycle stages, hosts and host-parasite interactions, permitting the determination of net effects of an environmental stressor, yield insightful and sometimes counterintuitive results, although they remain a simplification of real-world complexity. Recent advances in the use of parasites as bioindicators of effects also are discussed.

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