
The architectural landscape of the city of Karbala is a rich heritage which has the possibility to be used in the development and shaping of the urban fabric of the city. It demonstrates the richness of Islamic architecture and the rhythmic movement of architectural styles. Its importance in creating a distinct personality in all social, cultural, architectural, and environmental aspects is uncontested However, recent developments have witnessed a loss of the local style which is a major issue to be resolved. Any development of this area requires good planning methods and policies that deal with the cultural heritage that represents the memory of the society that must be preserved and dealt with carefully and cautiously. This paper examines this issue to unravel the reasons that have led to the deterioration of the urban and cultural identity of the homogeneous fabric of the city. Modern developments have affected its homogeneity that have led to a loss of its unity of concept, resulting in an urban and architectural chaos. In fact, the contemporary scene represents the disintegration of the bonds that link the parts of the city to the civilized existence of the culturally and economically dependent community in addition to urban interdependence. The research employs a set of methods were used in the identity analysis of the traditional urban fabric through the use of a questionnaire form as a method to collect data and information from a specific group of individuals closely related to the study site, as well as to understand and analyze the set of questions posed, as well as observation and analysis of the site based on random demolitions of the urban fabric compared to the experts' opinions that it should be preserved. The findings confirm the view that each city has its character and personality based on the general concept that it has grown up on. Preserving them will give the city a balance in its urban expansion, without falling into urban disasters that may cost the city. It could destroy its cultural and economic treasury together and may destroy its historical cultural heritage in an irreplaceable manner.

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