
Today, the ambitious goals to achieve excellence in professional training of future healthcare professionals in accordance with European high standards are among the priorities of higher medical education in Ukraine. The issues on fostering professional competence of students of higher medical educational institutions are in the focus of attention of many disciplines, and otorhinolaryngology, a compulsory educational component, is one of them. Over the course of the academic discipline "Otorhinolaryngology", future medical doctors acquire general and professional competencies required for their successful practice. The aim of the article was to highlight the main aspects of the formation of professional competencies of future medical doctors during the course of Otorhinolaryngology. To implement the competency approach at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology with Ophthalmology of Poltava State Medical University, an educational and methodological complex has been prepared, and the newest technologies for the presentation of material and mastering skills are being constantly introduced. The department regularly updates material and technical base. These preconditions stimulate cognitive and professional motivation of students, encourage them to intensify educational activities, and contribute to improving the effectiveness of learning, and develop independence and responsibility that ultimately ensures the formation of professional competence of the future doctor. Thus, the course of the discipline "Otorhinolaryngology" is designed and delivered to train highly qualified and competitive healthcare specialists to provide their own professional activity with high quality and productivity.

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