
"In order to clearly see the problems arising in the teaching of the Romanian language and to find out the suggestions regarding to the solution, we need to know the opinion of the teachers who teach in elementary classes. This research endeavors to find out how teachers experience the Romanian lessons given in Hungarian classes, how they motivate the children and what suggestions they have for the parents. I interviewed a total of 52 teachers from different counties of the country. More than half of the interviewed teachers declare that they like the Romanian lessons and experience them as a challenge. Most of them devote an hour or more for the preparation of the Romanian lessons. Almost half of the teachers (44,23%) claim that children are not motivated to learn the Romanian language. There are even students who do not speak or do not want to speak at all at the Romanian lessons. Teachers motivate these children through more encouragement, games, pair work, retelling and helpful questions. Most of the teachers think that the reason of the failure may be that there is no suitable environment for practicing the Romanian language, and the parents' attitude towards the Romanian language is not always appropriate either. Although the majority of the parents would wish to be partners in motivating their children to learn the Romanian language, since they do not know Romanian well either, they cannot help their children. The following suggestions are the most common among those addressed to the parents: talk to their children in Romanian at home, find Romanian-speaking friends for their children, watch Romanian fairy tales/cartoons with them and take them to an environment where they have the opportunity to practice the Romanian language. Keywords: teachers who teach in Hungarian classes, children, parents, Romanian lessons, opinion"

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