
The tight-binding model is employed to study magnetoelectronic structures of the AB-stacked graphite. A specifically full band calculation on overall energy region is presented to compare with SWMcC method, which only concerns the magnetoelectronic structures along the HKH-axis. It is found that magnetoband structures, strongly depending on the perpendicular magnetic field ( B) and the interlayer interactions, exhibit 0D, 1D and 2D characteristics at the strong magnetic field. The physical origin of 0D, 1D and 2D Landau levels is intensely discussed to show its speciality for graphite. Pronounced structures, including sharp peaks, square-root peaks, and logarithmic divergences, can be clearly found in the density of states (DOS). And the energy dispersions and DOS are specially sensitive to the magnitude of B: the lower the magnetic field is, the more Landau levels exist nearby Fermi energy ( E F). Meanwhile, the interlayer interactions significantly affect the state energies and the DOS features, e.g., peak position and peak shape. DOS in the form of sharp peak (square-root peaks) below (above) E F is expected to play an important role in such physical properties as absorption spectra.

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