
This report is on transport properties of a multilayer graphene on SiC(000) sample. Both the magnetoresistance (MR) and Hall Effect measurements were carried out at ten constant temperatures (2 K - 300 K) and magnetic field scans 0 to 9 T. The results exhibit a negative MR and a sign reversal at low field (< 0.4 T) and temperatures above 50 K and no sign reversal below that up to H ~ 2 T. Additionally, for low temperatures (< 20 K) and high field (> 2 T), the MR signal shows SdH oscillations of the same frequency, f = 65 T. The Hall Effect signal shows a linear increase with magnetic field (H < 0.3 T) and a leveling off at higher fields. Using the two signals and the metallic resistance with residual resistance ratio (RRR = 1.7), one deduces the carrier concentration, 3.3 − 1.0 × 1013 cm−2, and mobility 3, 700 − 21, 000 cm2/V.s at 300 K and below 20 K, respectively.

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