
We present a study of the magnetic properties and magnetization processes in hard Co-Pt (Pt∼20at.%) films. Co-rich Co-Pt films, with thickness t ranging from 5nm up to 2μm, were prepared by electrodeposition on (0001)-oriented Ru underlayers. All samples displayed strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and high coercivity. Virgin magnetic domain structures for varying thickness were investigated by magnetic force microscopy (MFM). The observed increase of domain width with film thickness is well understood by full two-dimensional micromagnetic computations with no adjustable parameters. The easy-axis magnetization process, as observed by measuring virgin curves by magnetometry and imaging the corresponding magnetization configurations by MFM in variable field, consists of two stages separated by a well-defined critical field, marking the onset of domain wall propagation. A thorough analysis of the out-of-plane angular dependence of the switching field points out that unpinning of domain walls is the dominant magnetization process.

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