In a wide variety of materials, such as copper oxides, heavy fermions, organic salts, and the recently discovered iron pnictides, superconductivity is found in close proximity to a magnetically ordered state. The character of the proximate magnetic phase is thus believed to be crucial for understanding the differences between the various families of unconventional superconductors and the mechanism of superconductivity. Unlike the AFM order in cuprates, the nature of the magnetism and of the underlying electronic state in the iron pnictide superconductors is not well understood. Neither density functional theory nor models based on atomic physics and superexchange, account for the small size of the magnetic moment. Many low energy probes such as transport, STM and ARPES measured strong anisotropy of the electronic states akin to the nematic order in a liquid crystal, but there is no consensus on its physical origin, and a three dimensional picture of electronic states and its relations to the optical conductivity in the magnetic state is lacking. Using a first principles approach, we obtained the experimentally observed magnetic moment, optical conductivity, and the anisotropy of the electronic states. The theory connects ARPES, which measures one particle electronic states, optical spectroscopy, probing the particle hole excitations of the solid and neutron scattering which measures the magnetic moment. We predict a manifestation of the anisotropy in the optical conductivity, and we show that the magnetic phase arises from the paramagnetic phase by a large gain of the Hund's rule coupling energy and a smaller loss of kinetic energy, indicating that iron pnictides represent a new class of compounds where the nature of magnetism is intermediate between the spin density wave of almost independent particles, and the antiferromagnetic state of local moments.
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