
AbstractThis study provides the first characterization of magnetic topology (i.e., the magnetic connectivity to the collisional ionosphere) at Venus, which might give new insights into the Venusian space environment on topics such as the penetration of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) into the ionosphere, planetary ion outflow and inflow, and auroral emission. Magnetic topology is inferred from the electron and magnetic field measurements from Venus Express. We demonstrate through a few case studies that various types of magnetic topologies exist at Venus, including typical draped IMF, open magnetic fields connected to the nightside atmosphere or the dayside ionosphere, and unexpected cross‐terminator closed field lines. We also provide a detailed characterization of an ionospheric hole event, where we find an open topology and a field‐aligned potential of V with respect to the collisional ionosphere, which has important implications for its formation mechanism.

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