
In view of the importance of continued registrations of the magnetic elements in the arctic regions, it is pleasing to note in a recent number of the Bulletin of the Arctic Institute that the Polar Station established by that Institute on Cape Chelyuskin in 1932 was considerably enlarged in 1934, the staff consisting of 32 men under the direction of I. D. Papanin. In addition to dwelling‐houses and technical buildings, there were erected a pavilion for variation‐instruments with a room for absolute control‐measurements, a pavilion for atmospheric‐electric observations, and a number of other buildings for meteorological, hydrological, and other purposes.The atmospheric‐electric investigations were conducted by V. I. Gerassimivich who had specialized in that work. During the winter of 1934–35, he succeeded in obtaining a continuous record of the potential gradient using a Benndorf recording‐electrometer in which a number of alterations has been made to adapt it to polar conditions. The necessary absolute determinations were made for control of the registrations. A second Benndorf instrument was arranged for continuous registration of the electric conductivity of the atmosphere.

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