Background. The paper continues the investigation of linear dipole-exchange spin waves in ferromagnetic nanosystems started by the author in previous papers. The known papers investigating dipole-exchange spin waves obtain their spectral characteristics only for a narrow range of special cases. In the presented paper, an approach that allows expanding substantially this range of cases is described and applied. Objective. The aim of the paper is to develop a method – based on the use of boundary conditions – for obtaining the spectral characteristics of dipole-exchange spin waves in a number of nanosystems’ configurations as well as an application of this method to specific configurations. Methods. A method for obtaining a values’ spectrum of the wavenumbers for dipole-exchange spin waves in ferromagnetic nanosystems of a series of typical configurations is proposed. The method does not require specific assumptions, e.g. the absence of transverse spin excitations or the presence of a high-conductivity metal outside the ferromagnet. The method uses imposition of boundary conditions for the magnetic field and the magnetization on the boundary of the ferromagnetic medium for a linear spin wave in the magnetostatic approximation. This method allows obtaining the above-mentioned spectral characteristics for a wider range of cases compared to the known previous papers. Results. The results of the paper are conditions for the magnetic potential – that imply from the above-mentioned boundary conditions – of a linear spin wave on the boundary of a ferromagnetic nanosystem as well as the spectrum of the wavenumbers’ values of such wave for the investigated nanosystems (in the implicit form). In particular, for a ferromagnetic nanosystem of an arbitrary cross section with a one-dimensional translational symmetry, the conditions specifying this spectrum are found. Such conditions are specified – and an implicit expression for this spectrum is obtained – for the case when such nanosystem is a nanotube with a circular cross section. The analysis of the obtained results is carried out. Conclusions. The obtained expressions for the spectrum of the values of the investigated spin waves’ wavenumbers can be used for a wider range of cases than the ones obtained in the previous papers dedicated to the investigated configurations of nanosystems. For a nanotube of the circular cross-section with small (compared to the inverse characteristic size of the nanotube cross-section) values of the longitudinal wave number, the dependence of the latter on the transverse wave number is weak, as well as for the big longitudinal to transverse wavenumber component ratio. The obtained dependence is also represented graphically.
The paper continues the investigation of linear dipole-exchange spin waves in ferromagnetic nanosystems started by the author in previous papers
Дослідження спінових хвиль у наносистемах із магнітовпорядкованих матеріалів є актуальним і перспективним напрямом сучасної фізики малих систем
Ключевые слова: спиновые волны; наномагнетизм; дипольно-обменная теория; граничные условия
The paper continues the investigation of linear dipole-exchange spin waves in ferromagnetic nanosystems started by the author in previous papers. The known papers investigating dipole-exchange spin waves obtain their spectral characteristics only for a narrow range of special cases. A method for obtaining a values’ spectrum of the wavenumbers for dipole-exchange spin waves in ferromagnetic nanosystems of a series of typical configurations is proposed. The method uses imposition of boundary conditions for the magnetic field and the magnetization on the boundary of the ferromagnetic medium for a linear spin wave in the magnetostatic approximation This method allows obtaining the above-mentioned spectral characteristics for a wider range of cases compared to the known previous papers. Дослідження спінових хвиль у наносистемах із магнітовпорядкованих матеріалів є актуальним і перспективним напрямом сучасної фізики малих систем. Дослідження спінових хвиль у наносистемах та можливостей їх застосування є темою вивчення особливих галузей фізики наносистем — магноніки [3] та спінтроніки [4]. Побудова відповідної узагальненої теорії та встановлення загальних закономірностей для такого класу наносистем є актуальною темою дослідження
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