
We study the magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking in the ABJM Chern-Simons matter theory with unquenched flavors in the Veneziano limit. We consider a magnetized D6-brane probe in the background of a flavored black hole which includes the backreaction of massless smeared flavors in the ABJM geometry. We find a holographic realization for the running of the quark mass due to the dynamical flavors. We compute several thermodynamic quantities of the brane probe and analyze the effects of the dynamical quarks on the fundamental condensate and on the phase diagram of the model. The dynamical flavors have an interesting effect on the magnetic catalysis. At zero temperature and fixed magnetic field, the magnetic catalysis is suppressed for small bare quark masses whereas it is enhanced for large values of the mass. When the temperature is non-zero there is a critical magnetic field, above which the magnetic catalysis takes place. This critical magnetic field decreases with the number of flavors, which we interpret as an enhancement of the catalysis.


  • Background metricOur model consists of a probe D6-brane in the smeared flavored ABJM background of [18, 19], oriented such that their intersection is (2 + 1)-dimensional

  • We study the magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking in the ABJM Chern-Simons matter theory with unquenched flavors in the Veneziano limit

  • In this paper we address the problem of the magnetic catalysis with unquenched flavors in the ABJM theory [15]

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Holographic model

We will recall the background of type IIA supergravity dual to unquenched massless flavors in the ABJM Chern-Simons matter theory at non-zero temperature. This background was obtained [18, 19] by including the backreaction of Nf flavor D6-branes, which are continuously distributed in the internal space in such a way that the system preserves N = 1 supersymmetry at zero temperature. This smearing procedure is a holographic implementation of the so-called Veneziano limit [21], in which both N and Nf are large. We will obtain the action of this probe and introduce various systems of coordinates which are convenient to describe the embeddings of the brane, both at zero and non-zero temperature

Background metric
D6-brane action
Parameterization at non-zero temperature
Parameterization at zero temperature
Running mass and condensate
Some properties of the dual matter
Thermodynamic functions
Massless embeddings
Small magnetic field
Approximate expressions for large mass
Zero temperature limit
Magnetic catalysis
Zero temperature
Zero bare mass
Non-zero bare mass
Non-zero temperature
A Zero temperature dictionary
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