
The aim of the article is to comprehend how the author achieves an image of reality using the elements related to certain aspects of fantasy and imagination. These elements correspond to the preternatural perception of the author in the novel and are aimed at modifying reality. In the work under preternatural is understood everything that lies beyond the framework of the natural perception of reality and what is considered normal, forming an unusual perception and including elements of the supernatural. The novel presents a magical thematic form of preternatural in the narrative in order to reveal the presence of hidden meanings and episodes through which not the obvious representation of reality, the functional depiction of the characters and plotting are exposed. In this article, the word preternatural is used to indicate the manifestation of an anomaly in the subjective consciousness, and also to convey the spectral meaning arising from the supernatural dimension of reality. The article deals with the manifestation of magical preternatural associated with allusions to creatures that characterize fairy and folklore traditions, including magic and the supernatural; references to other magical communities associated with oriental tales. In this typology, the modification undertaken by the imagination and imagination of the author takes the form of human world’s transformation and indicates a discrepancy with the real and tangible, by analogy or contrast, perception of reality.

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