
The construction of meaning in the classroom has been studied from different disciplines and linguistic perspectives. This research has provided a nurturing discursive characterization of the interaction between the teacher and her or his students in the classroom. Considering such investi-gation, this study is within the scope of multimodal pedagogical discourse research from the social semiotic perspective (Kress & van Leuween, 2001) and aims to characterize the multisemiotic discursive construction of public Chilean Preschool Education interactions, i.e., what are the se-miotic resources with which the educator, along with her or his group of preschool students build and negotiate meanings in the classroom. For this purpose, an audiovisual corpus consisting of twelve days of classes is raised, which is analyzed using a qualitative methodology. The results make it possible to identify a specific register that consists of Multimodal Curriculum Macro-genres of two types: Daily MCM (regulatory) and Thematic MCM (instructional). The findings highlight substantial differences linked to the three ways of characterizing each of them: (a) construction of meaning; (b) types of interaction; (c) semiotic orchestration.

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