
The turbulent building construction industry - a condition applying today to the entire economic system - determined both by macroeconomic causes (general trends) and by micro economic factors (the irregularity of contract awards) points to the need for flexible organizational models in which large firms become “Macrofirms”, playing a role based predominantly on coordination and management, while the smaller enterprises would undertake activities of a specialized character. The implementation of such models can only be attained by subcontracting specialized work, making it possible for small specialized firms to count on continuous specialized work for their personnel. In this type of model, defined as a “heliocentric Copernican” type system, the use of management information systems must be highly developed and computer utilization extended not only to bookkeeping and general clerical tasks, but also and above all to management and planning. Eventually, these information systems should be extended to support preventive, routine and special maintenance services for the upkeep and improvement of the buildings constructed.

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