The paper explores the challenge of human identification through gait recognition within biometric identification systems. Itoutlines the essential criteria for human biometric features, discusses primary biometric characteristics, and their application in biometric identification systems. The paper also examines the feasibility of utilizing gait as a biometric identifier, emphasizing its advantages, such as not requiring the upfront provision of personal biometric information and specialized equipment.The authors conduct an analysis of existing scientific literature in the field of gait recognition, categorizing gait recognition methodsinto template-based and non-template-based approaches. Throughout their research, they identify the key issues and challenges that researchers face in this domain, along with the prevailing trends in human gait recognition within biometric identification systems.Additionally, the paper introduces a method for person identification based on gait, utilizing the Histogram of Oriented Gradients and the Sum Variance Haralick texture features. It involves transforming input video into a series of images depicting the gait silhouette, creating a Gait Energy Image (GEI) by combining these gait silhouettes throughout a gait cycle, and translating the GEI into the Gait Gradient Magnitude Image (GGMI). The subsequent step involves extracting recommended gait characteristics from the GGMIs of participants included in a dataset.To preprocess the collected characteristics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied, reducing the dimensions that may negatively impact classification robustness, thereby enhancing overall performance. In the final step, a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier is employed to categorize the characteristics obtained from a specific dataset.The proposed novel feature vector in the paper demonstrates increased reliability and effectively captures spatial variations in gait patterns. Notably, it reduces the dimensionality of the feature vector from 3780×1 to 63×1, resulting in decreased computational complexity in the gait recognition system. Experimental evaluations on the CASIA A and CASIA B datasets reveal that the proposed approach outperforms other HOG-based methods in most scenarios, with the exception of situations involving frontal images.
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