
In today's competitive grocery retail environment, effective inventory management coupled with precise sales prediction is pivotal for success. This research undertakes an in-depth exploration into a machine learning framework tailored for "Sales Forecasting and Inventory Optimization in Grocery Retail." Utilizing historical sales records, meteorological data, and consumer behavior metrics, the proposed model endeavors to predict nuanced seasonal demand fluctuations. The primary value proposition of this approach lies in its capacity to curtail wastage, ensuring the balance between overstocking and inventory stockouts. By recognizing and adjusting for seasonal dynamics, the system offers enhanced demand fulfillment during high-demand periods. The subsequent refinement of the replenishment cycle fosters superior operational efficacy. As an outcome, businesses witness cost reductions, augmented profit margins, and elevated consumer contentment due to consistent product availability. As the broader grocery sector undergoes transformation, embedding sophisticated machine learning strategies can be a linchpin for sustained adaptability and competitiveness. This research further underscores the role of emergent technologies, such as machine learning within the IoT spectrum, in reshaping supply chain and communication paradigms. The endeavor here is to curtail lifecycle expenses in the supply chain by refining inventory practices. The research introduces a Deep Inventory Management (DIM) technique, employing the GradientBoostingRegressor paradigm of machine learning. Through DIM's innovative approach, time-series challenges are reimagined as supervised learning tasks, enabling efficient model training. Preliminary tests indicate DIM's prediction accuracy hovers around 85%, translating to an impressive 15% reduction in inventory expenses when juxtaposed with prevailing methods, alongside rapid anomaly detection in inventory activities

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