
Van, Birinci Dunya Savasi oncesinde egitim ve kultur hayati acisindan bolgenin gelismis kentlerinden birisiydi. Gerek kent merkezinde ve gerekse vilayetin cesitli kazalarinda bulunan farkli kademelerdeki hem Muslumanlara hem de Gayrimuslimlere ait egitim kurumlari, vilayetin cokkulturlu yapisinin da onemli gostergelerinden birisidir. Diger taraftan kent merkezindeki kutuphane ve cesitli dillerdeki gazeteler de sozu edilen renkli yasama ornek olarak verilebilir. Ancak savas yillarinin yarattigi yikimlar, tehcir ve goc hareketleri sosyal yapinin yani sira, ekonomik acidan da Van'in buyuk bir gerileme surecine girmesine neden olmustur. Baska bir anlatimla, ekonomik alanda meydana gelen cokuntuler ile egitim ve kulturel yasamda ortaya cikan gerilemeler birbirini beslemistir. 19. yuzyilin sonunda Van’in sozu edilen hususlar bakimindan eristigi trendi, yarim yuzyil sonrasinda bile yakalayamadigi rahatlikla soylenebilir. Bu calismada da, Tarihi Cografyanin onemli kaynaklarindan biri olan Maarif salnamelerinin isiginda Van’in egitim yapisi irdelenmis ve Maarif Salnamelerindeki bilgiler, bu donemde yapilmis yerli-yabanci bazi calismalar ile de desteklenerek calisma tamamlanmistir. Abstract: Van, before the First World War, was one of the developed cities of the region in terms of education and cultural life. Educational institutions belonging to Muslims and non-Muslims which located both in the city center and different districts of the province, is an important indication of the multicultural structure of the province. On the other hand, libraries in the city center and newspapers in various languages are also given as examples to mentioned life. But the destructions, deportations and migrations caused by the war years, has led to enter into a major economic downturn as well as social structure.In other words, the decline occurring in the educational-cultural life and economic field were feeding each other. The trend that access in terms of the issues mentioned in Van at the end of the 19th century, it can be said easily that after half a century can not be caught. In this study, in the light of education yearbooks which is one of the major sources of Historical Geography, the educational structure of Van were examined and the information in yearbooks was supported by domestic and foreign several studies which made in this period. Keywords: Historical Geography, Maarif Yearbooks, Van City.

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